Community Outreach

Staff Force – Giving Back Through Community Outreach in Texas, Phoenix and Oklahoma City

Whether it is a cause close to the heart of a team member, or a matter that impacts the community, Staff Force’s staffing agencies believe in giving back through various types of community outreach in Texas, Phoenix and Oklahoma City. Our involvement with the following organizations reinforces our principle that relationships are built on trust and uncompromised values.

To find out more about the organizations that we support, click on their info below or reach out to one of our locations directly.

  1. The 100 Club

    Offering economic assistance to the families of law enforcement officers slain in the field

  2. Salvation Army

    Contributing to the basic necessities of life through community and fellowship

  3. Star of Hope

    Offering educational programs to children throughout the world


We believe in giving back, because relationships are built on trust and uncompromised values.