To be a great leader in the workplace, you first have to be great at management communication. This is no easy task for leaders to undertake, and it can take years to master. While being a great communicator is always a plus in the workforce, it is an essential skill to have now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because many jobs are not functioning in-person, it is all the more crucial for leaders to have excellent management communication skills that can be translated virtually. Below are tips on how you can practice effective management communication.
Although we’re discussing management communication, the root of this skill starts with being a good listener. To fully understand the people you are leading and addressing, you have to listen to them first! The key is to do so actively and with empathy. Having sincere conversations with your employees is essential in the workings of building a trusting relationship. You want your employees to feel comfortable sharing with you. Once this foundation is laid, you’ll be able to better communicate with them.
Listening is the first step. The next step is how you’re going to respond. To be actively engaged in communications, you have to ask questions. Dig a little deeper to get to the root of what you’re really talking about! It’s no good to have a conversation if you’re going to stay on the surface level. Additionally, it’s important to remember to show respect for all members of your team. If you find yourself in a situation where you are getting negative feedback, it’s important to remain calm and receptive to what the person is saying. You must never have a knee-jerk reaction in how you respond, as you risk the possibility of losing trust and respect from your employees.
Here’s the good stuff! How are you going to communicate your message? Whatever you’re communicating, whether it be a brief reminder or an important change in company policy, there a few things you should always keep in mind. You must always be concise in your delivery. If you can avoid roundabout ways to get to the point of your communication, do so! You don’t want to waste people’s time getting to the message, or appear that you are avoiding conflict by taking too long to get there. Be respectful and polite, as not to offend anyone you are addressing. Lastly, be sincere! Don’t waste your breath or your time drafting an email or scheduling a video conference if you don’t believe what you’re saying. Overall, make sure that you are totally transparent in everything you say or write, so there’s no room for skepticism in your ability to effectively communicate.
Finally, it’s essential to make yourself available. Going back to the foundation of trust you’ve established with your employees, being open to feedback makes you a great leader because you demonstrate your openness to what your employees have to say. Always reiterate that you are available to talk informally or formally, so that your employees feel comfortable approaching you in any circumstance—positive or negative.
While there are many moving parts to being a great leader, being skilled in management communication has to be one of the biggest elements contributing to your success. It takes practice, but as long as you’re dedicated to committing to your employees, you can only get better at it.
Contact Staff Force today for your hiring needs. You’ll then have the chance to practice your newfound management communication skills!