5 Top Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination

Top Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination: Staff Force Top Tips

Beat Procrastination Today Most people put things off. It’s not always because the tasks are unimportant or there isn’t enough time – sometimes it just feels better to procrastinate. But you wouldn’t be reading this article if you were okay […]

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Pros & Cons of Job Interview Styles

job interview styles

So you’ve been trying for what feels like forever to get a fresh start in a new career. You finally get the call you’ve been desperately waiting for to set up an interview, but what type of interview will it […]

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5 Key Factors that Boost Your Confidence

Boost Your Confidence

There is nothing wrong with being an introvert, but studies show that extroverts are more likely to win a position. This is largely due to their ability to appear confident during an interview. In the purest sense, confidence is knowing what […]

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